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Eye strain is eye fatigue that mostly occurs due to overexertion. After long periods of reading, working on digital screens, or driving far distances without taking a break, you may experience eye strain symptoms such as:

  • Eye pain
  • Burning eyes
  • Severely dry, or even watery eyes
  • Light sensitivity
  • Tiredness
  • Neck, back and shoulder aches (postural pain)
  • Eye strain headaches
  • Blurry vision
  • Double vision
  • Eye twitching
  • Red and itchy eyes


Human's visual behavior has changed dramatically over the past 10 years with the increased dependency on information being delivered via digital screens such as smartphones, tablets, computer screens and television screens, of which, it emits a high amount of blue lights.

Blue light found at the very beginning of the visible light spectrum contains intense amounts of energy ranging from 400 nm to 495 nm. While measurements of blue lights emitted from individual devices are normally below dangerous levels, constant exposure to such intense energy actually forces your eye muscles to work overtime, and that causes eye fatigue.

According to the American Optometric Association, adults experience visual strain as a direct result of prolonged digital device use. In fact, it’s the most common cause. This vision problem is called digital eye strain, or computer vision syndrome.

According to The Vision Council, an independent group of eye doctors composed of optometrists and ophthalmologists, the average American spends more than 7 hours in front of a screen every day. While the human body needs a certain amount of blue light to control the sleep and wake cycle, overexposure can be unhealthy and cause eye strain.



  • Reading for excessive period of time without resting your eye
  • Exposure to bright light or glare for long period of time
  • Reading or working in dark area
  • Stress and a lack of sleep
  • Concentrating your vision for a long period of time without blinking
  • Outdated prescription glasses



In some cases, your optician or optometrist may prescribe glasses that is suitable to your eye condition and your lifestyle. Some eye condition will require professional diagnosis and proper treatment. However, there are a few ways you can try to relieve or prevent eye pain, but most importantly you should consult an eye care practitioner first to establish exactly what is causing your discomfort.
1. Give your eyes regular breaks
It’s easy to get so caught up in your work that you forget to take breaks. You can actually be more productive if you’re well-rested and you don’t have tired eyes. Try to get up from your workstation at least once every hour, and walk around or stretch your muscles for 5-10 minutes. Just like you need physical exercise, your health can also benefit from eye exercises. The 20 20 20 rule is a great way to give your eyes a break and a little exercise at the same time. It’s as simple as looking up from your screen every 20 minutes, and focusing on something that’s 20 meters away for 20 seconds.
2. Moist your eyes by remembering to blink
Hydration is also important, especially if you suffer from dry eyes. You need to stay hydrated to make sure your eyes receive the moisture they need. When you work on a computer or focus on a smartphone, you tend to blink less and only close your lids partially when you do. Blinking moistens the eyes to prevent dryness and irritation, so when you’re on one of those scheduled breaks, focus on taking long, deep blinks.
3. Moist your eyes by artificial tear drops
Hydration is also important, especially if you suffer from dry eyes. Blinking helps re-moist your eye naturally but for some who has less natural hydrating properties using tear drops can definitely help.

4. Limit screen time
Digital devices gives off additional and artificial blue lights as previously mentioned. by limiting yourself from too much screen time is a large help to reduce the impact. The effect is said to be more noticeable when you are looking at the screens under low light area or before bed. When the eyes are exposed to a certain intensity and spectral band of blue light, the body releases less melatonin (the sleep hormone). This means that you will be more alert and awake for longer. Considering wearing glasses with blue light filter such as Q+ Glasses can help reduce effect of screens. 


How glasses can help

You may benefit from blue light filter glasses that help to reduce perceived eye strain, Q+ Glasses are designed specifically with lenses that filters the most harmful light from screens so you can experience less perceived eye strain. Read more about Q+ Glasses here.

Speak to your eye care practitioner for more information and advice.